In Egypt, Sesen means Lotus. This flower is a symbol for rebirth and creation. The lotus flower was used extensively in Egyptian art. The stone is Lapis Lazuli and was a favorite in Egyptian jewelry. It was worn by royalty and found on King Tut's coffin. The stones on the necklace are sculpted. This jewelry set is styled after early Egyptian art and turned into more modern and wearable pieces.
The Sesen Jewelry set will be on the Kings Rezzable sim which opens Friday, February 6th. And later on my sim Lo Lo. The sim will have an Egyptian Art and King Tut theme with artworks by Light Waves.
The Sesen Jewelry set will be on the Kings Rezzable sim which opens Friday, February 6th. And later on my sim Lo Lo. The sim will have an Egyptian Art and King Tut theme with artworks by Light Waves.
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